2024 Volume 15 Issue 3
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Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Extracts from Anacardium occidentale and Sclerocarya birrea

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  1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FST), University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB), BPE 3206, Bamako, Mali.

Anacardium occidentale and Sclerocarya birrea are two medicinal plant species highly coveted for the traditional treatment of diabetes in Mali. This study aimed to investigate the chemical constituents and the anti-radical and antidiabetic potential of extracts from these two species. The phytochemical characterization tests identified several prominent chemical groups in the extracts. The best solvent for extracting polyphenolic and flavonoid compounds was 70% ethanol. The highest levels of polyphenols were presented by the leaves of A. occidentale (3.85±0.49 mg GAE/100) and the bark of S. birrea (2.58±0.08 mg GAE/100 g). As for flavonoids, the bark presented the best levels. The aqueous bark extracts of S. birrea and the hydroethanolic leaf extracts of A. occidentale with respective IC50=174.61±2.77 µg/mL and 178.64±3.42 µg/mL showed the best anti-radical activity. Regardless of the species, the hydroethanolic extracts exhibited the highest inhibition potential of α-amylase, i.e., the lowest IC50. These IC50 were 316.8±31.4 µg/mL for the bark of S. birrea and 4201±254 µg/mL for the leaves of A. occidentale. The kinetic parameters (Michaelis-Menten constants) found the inhibition mode non-competitive against α-amylase for each species. The current work reveals the richness of A. occidentale and S. birrea in bioactive compounds which would offer them antiradical and antidiabetic potential. These species should be more valorized for the management of diabetes in Mali.

How to cite this article
Konaré MA, Maïga AD, Togola I, Diarra N. Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Extracts from Anacardium occidentale and Sclerocarya birrea. J Biochem Technol. 2024;15(3):15-24. https://doi.org/10.51847/zpFCZqyBFX
Konaré, M. A., Maïga, A. D., Togola, I., & Diarra, N. (2024). Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Extracts from Anacardium occidentale and Sclerocarya birrea. Journal of Biochemical Technology, 15(3), 15-24. https://doi.org/10.51847/zpFCZqyBFX
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