We isolated psychrophilic bacterial strains from high altitude (elevation 13,390 ft) Manimahesh Lake of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh. Based on phenotypic characteristics and growth appearance at 4ºC, four bacterial isolates (MMPP2, MMPP4, MMPP5, and MMPP7) were selected and showed optimum growth at 20ºC and no growth was detected at 25ºC. Qualitative assay showed that cell free medium of MMPP4 prevent inhibition of freezing (antifreeze activity) as determined by
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In the present study, the non living biomass of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis was used for biosorption of Zn+2 in column mode. Polyurethane foam (PUF) cubes were used for immobilizing the biosorbent. A maximum biomass loading of 0.2 g dry S. platensis /(g of PUF cubes) could be achieved. The effect of parameters (such as pH of feed solution, flow rate of feed solution to column, bed height and initial concentration of metal ion in feed solution )on uptake capacity of biosorbent was studied.
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This study has examined the effect of growth phase on hydrogenproduction from cells of a glucose tolerant mutant of Synechocystissp. strain PCC6803. The extracellular products including hydrogen,lactate and acetate from cyanobacteria cells in dark anaerobicnitrate-free solution, yielded different excretory profiles dependingon which growth phases were prepared from photosynthesis. Theamount of hydrogen generated cells prepared from stationary phasewas highest in HEPES buffer and nitrate-free sol
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The present study was investigated on the production of Invertaseunder solid-state fermentation (SSF) through Aspergillus species, byusing Carrot peels (Daucus carota L.) as a substrate. The highestproductivity of Invertase (7.95±0.1 U/ml) was achieved by usingAspergillus niger at 90% initial moisture content with 1×106spores/ml after 72 hours of incubation period. The enzyme waspurified about 1.42-fold by ammonium sulphate precipitation. Itshowed thermal stability from 20-70oC over
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Esterase family of Hydrolases such as Acetylcholinesterase (AchE),Butyrylcholinesterase (BchE) and Carboxyl esterase (CE) havebeen estimated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) model, normal brain ofstriatum, frontal cortex, hippocampus and in liver. In AD a loss ofacetylcholine activity directly correlates with memory dysfunctiondue to the activation of acetylcholinesterase andbutyrylcholinesterase enzymes. Therefore the effective treatmentmethods include restoration of cholinergic function and e
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Specific activity of Carboxyl esterase (CE) was estimated for young,old (2-4 and 16-18 months) and for similar groups of Lithiumtreated male Albino Sprague dawley rats whole brain cells. Rats ofboth age groups were orally administered with 37mg of Lithiumchloride (LiCl2) per kg body weight daily for 10 days. Old rat brainsLiCl2 treated showed significant increased CE specific activity of0.076 IU/mg protein in crude, 0.1445 IU/mg protein in Ammoniumsulphate precipitated and 0.5827 IU/mg protein i
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Acid Phosphatase (ACP) and Carboxyl Esterase (CE) wereassayed for four different groups of young and old aged maleAlbino Sprague dawley rats (2-4 and 16-18 months) in brain andliver. Among them both aged rats were treated with 37 mg oflithium chloride (LiCl2) per kilogram of body weight orally for 10days. LiCl2 showed completely positive effect on releasingcarboxyl esterase in both young and old groups of brain (36.1 and89.3 nmoles/min/mg of protein) and liver (114.93 and 91.73nmoles/min/mg of p
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The present investigation deals with the biosorption of lead from aqueous solutions in open race way pond using edible and live Spirulina (Arthospira) maxima, Spirulina (Arthospira) indica, Spirulina (Arthospira) platensis. Studies on various initial lead (II) ion concentrations, biosorbent dosage, pH and bioaccumulation potential were evaluated. The organisms are tolerant up to 4 mg/l and after that slight growth inhibition was found. Spirulina (Arthospira) indica showed more tolerance when com
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Limonia acidissima is a medicinal plant commonly used for multitude of ailments. In this context, the validation of traditionally used medicinal plant that the fruit extracts of L. acidissima exhibit antibiofilm activity against the predominant fish pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila was assessed. Among ten isolates of Aeromonas spp, KUAH1 showed strong biofilm formation and was studied further. The methanol (LA-M) and ethyl acetate (LA-EA) fraction of Limonia fruit extract clearly demonstrated signi
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The objective of this work was to statistically optimize the cultural and nutritional parameters for L-ascorbic acid by the submerged fermentation of Xanthomonas campestris MTCC 2286 using sucrose as the sole carbon source. After studying the potential parameters that influence the bioprocess by “one variable at a time” approach, we found that the Sucrose, yeast extract, and Dipotassium phosphate (K2HPO4) were the most critical parameter for the production of L-ascorbic acid.&n
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The Journal of Biochemical Technology is dedicated to publishing innovative research in the fields of biochemistry, biotechnology, and bioinformatics with direct applications in biology and medicine.