2015 Volume 6 Issue 1
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Esterase’s properties in commonly used Indian spices for Alzheimer’s disease model

Esterase family of Hydrolases such as Acetylcholinesterase (AchE),Butyrylcholinesterase (BchE) and Carboxyl esterase (CE) havebeen estimated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) model, normal brain ofstriatum, frontal cortex, hippocampus and in liver. In AD a loss ofacetylcholine activity directly correlates with memory dysfunctiondue to the activation of acetylcholinesterase andbutyrylcholinesterase enzymes. Therefore the effective treatmentmethods include restoration of cholinergic function and elevation ofACh level through inhibiting AChE and BChE. Hence to inhibitthese enzymes four commonly used Indian kitchen spices viz.,Cuminum cyminum, Elettaria cardamomum, Cinnamomum verum,Syzygium aromaticum were selected because the extracts of thesespices contain cholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro. Thesespices were extracted with cold and hot aqueous solution and theanti- cholinesterase potential was measured in vitro. Elettariacardamomum cold extract showed significant inhibition for AchE inall regions of brain for control and AD. Whereas Cinnamomumverum hot extract showed elevated activity for carboxyl esterasewhich is a neuroprotective factor. These findings suggest thatdietary supplementation of cardamom and cinnamon in moderateamounts may aid in prevention delay in onset of AD.

Issue 4 Volume 15 - 2024