The kinetics of immobilized enzyme-catalyzed reactions in microreactors differ from those in macro-scale reactors. Recognizing this, a recent study (Patnaik 2011) based on a new interpretation of the kinetics of AP-catalyzed reactions showed that dynamic behavior is feasible only certain loci relating key kinetic parameters. That work has been extended here, and the kinetic parameters have now been related to bulk phase concentrations, thereby providing a link with the reaction system per se. It
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Streptokinase is as effective as recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in treating acute myocardial infarction and it is certainly more cost-effective. In view of the relatively recent availability of the competing recombinant tPA, skepticism is being expressed about the continued viability of streptokinase therapy. Despite this research on streptokinase continues, and it remains a vital affordable therapy especially in the world’s poorer healthcare systems. Our present study focu
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ABSTRACT The extracellular lipase produced by B.subtilis Pa2 was purified by acetone precipitation and Ion exchange chromatography. The molecular weight of the pure protein was estimated to be 19.4 &19.2 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The lipase formed high molecular weight aggregates with molecular weight more than 100,000 kDa. The enzyme was most active in the pH range of 7 to 9 with maximum activity at pH 8, whereas it was most stable in the pH range 5 to 10, retaining more than 70% activity.The p
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Microbial hydroxylation of dydrogesterone (9b,10a-pregna-4,6-diene-3,20-dione) (1) on fermentation with Rhizopus stolonifer afforded a new metabolite, 9b,12b-dihydroxy-9b,10a-pregna-4,6-diene-3,20-dione (2). Its structure was deduced on the basis of modern spectroscopic techniques.
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During last two decades, extensive attention has been paid on the management of environmental pollution caused by hazardous materials. A number of methods has been developed for removal of such substances like precipitation, evaporation, ion-exchange etc. However these methods have several disadvantages. This review highlights the alternative biological agent abundantly present in nature i.e Microalgae as a potential sink for removal of such toxic substances from the surrounding. Microalgal biom
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Journal of Biochemical Technology is a double-blind peer reviewed International Journal published by the Deniz Publication on behalf of the Biochemical Technology Society, a Registered Charity Organization from India
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The Journal of Biochemical Technology is dedicated to publishing innovative research in the fields of biochemistry, biotechnology, and bioinformatics with direct applications in biology and medicine.