2020 Volume 11 Issue 3
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Tomato Traits Improvement for Multi-Circle Hydroponics with Target Hybridization

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The effectiveness of target hybridization techniques was evaluated in this paper. Productive maternal plants with larger-sized fruits and early ripening dwarf paternal plants were involved in the target crossings. F1 hybrids and their F2 progeny resulted from the self-pollination of F1 plants were produced. Tall plants and dwarf plants of the F2 population segregated strictly by Mendel’s low (3:1). With help of dispersion analysis six parental forms and three hybrids, we selected the more productive plants with large fruit sizes among the dwarf plants, then obtained the seed progeny of these selected plants and studied the heritability dwarfism and large fruit size, in F3 hybrids. It was confirmed that crossing between tall maternal forms with large fruit size and dwarf early ripening paternal forms leads to a reduction in plant height to the dwarf father. These traits were maintained in F3. Therefore, the dwarfism of Solanum Lycopersicum L., which is needed for multi-circle hydroponic technology, is inherited from the parental type, and the fruit weigh is inherited from the maternal type. To obtain new tomato forms for multi-circle hydroponics, maternal plants with large fruit and dwarf paternal forms must be crossed.

How to cite this article
Balashova I, Sirota S, Pinchuk E. Tomato Traits Improvement for Multi-Circle Hydroponics with Target Hybridization. J Biochem Technol. 2020;11(3):127-30. https://doi.org/10.51847/TKXY3cE
Balashova, I., Sirota, S., & Pinchuk, E. (2020). Tomato Traits Improvement for Multi-Circle Hydroponics with Target Hybridization. Journal of Biochemical Technology, 11(3), 127-130. https://doi.org/10.51847/TKXY3cE
Issue 1 Volume 16 - 2025