Issue 2 Volume 4 (2012)

Recent progress in refolding of the C terminal domain of recombinant human alpha-fetoprotein
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The C-terminal domain of human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP‑3D) is a fragment that can be used as a vector for targeted delivery of drugs into tumor cells. A technique of recombinant human AFP‑3D refolding in the mobile phase of a gel‑filtration medium was developed and shown to produce a 90% yield of the target protein with confirmed functional activity.
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Improvement of anaerobic production of hydrogen in the dark by genetic mutation strains of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803
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The anaerobic H2 production in the dark by bidirectional hydrogenase of unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 has been studied. D-glucose addition to cell suspension has been known to enhance H2 production, and the two mutants, glucose tolerant strain and its mutant lacking L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gene, were introduced to improve H2 production with D-glucose. Higher D-glucose uptake rate of glucose tolerant strain resulted in higher H2 production rate comparing with
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Amylase produced by Bacillus sp. SI-136 isolated from sodic-alkaline soil for efficient starch desizing
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Bacillus sp. SI-136, isolated from sodic-alkaline soil, showed 94% similarity to B. cereus group based on 16S rDNA sequence. It produced α-amylase of 26 kDa with maximum activity at pH 10.0, stable up to pH 12.0 and 80oC. Mn2+ enhanced its activity as also 10% NaCl in medium. Agricultural waste substrates supported growth and enzyme activity was enhanced by 30% with sugarcane bagasse. The partially purified enzyme showed efficient desizing of cotton fabric at 50oC (40-60 min) or 70oC (60 m
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Journal of Biochemical Technology is a double-blind peer reviewed International Journal published by the Deniz Publication on behalf of the Biochemical Technology Society, a Registered Charity Organization from India

Welcome to the Journal of Biochemical Technology, a prestigious international double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing excellence in biochemical, biotechnological, and bioinformatics research with direct applications in biology and medicine.

The Journal of Biochemical Technology is dedicated to publishing innovative research in the fields of biochemistry, biotechnology, and bioinformatics with direct applications in biology and medicine.

Issue 4 Volume 15 - 2024