Of the mechanisms bacteria use to evade the effects of
aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotics, enzymatic modification has the
most clinical relevance due to the promiscuous nature of the
DNA encoding the genes for these enzymes. One such enzyme,
aminoglycoside 3’-phosphotransferase IIa (APH(3’)-IIa), is used
as a model for understanding this modification at a molecular
level along with anticipating the evolution of AG resistance. To
study the structure-function relationships of this enzyme, we
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Sclerotium rolfsii is a pathogenic fungus, infects about 500 plant species of about 100 families. Streptomyces species MTCC4 show remarkable activity against this fungus. The culture broth of Streptomyces species MTCC4 has inhibitory effect on the fungus in petriplate around the paper disc. Crude culture shows peaks at 2.8, 3.5, 3.8, 4.0, 5.4, 5.9and 8.43 min in HPLC analysis at the 220 nm wavelength at the flow rate of 0.5 ml/min, in C18 column. After extraction and 
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The thermostability of absolutely purified xylanase from Aspergillus niger DFR-5 was improved using polyols. Supplementation of sorbitol at 2M concentration was found to increase the half-life and D-value of xylanase at elevated temperatures (45-70ºC). Thermodynamic parameters associated with the process were analyzed revealing that the stability at higher temperatures was due to the increased enthalpy (∆Hº) and free energy (∆Gº) change of enzyme denaturation in the pres
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Journal of Biochemical Technology is a double-blind peer reviewed International Journal published by the Deniz Publication on behalf of the Biochemical Technology Society, a Registered Charity Organization from India
Welcome to the Journal of Biochemical Technology, a prestigious international double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing excellence in biochemical, biotechnological, and bioinformatics research with direct applications in biology and medicine.
The Journal of Biochemical Technology is dedicated to publishing innovative research in the fields of biochemistry, biotechnology, and bioinformatics with direct applications in biology and medicine.