2018 Volume 9 Issue 2 Special Issue
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Investigation of Anxiety Test in Medical Students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences: A Cross-sectional, Descriptive Study

Majid Vatankhah, Navid Kalani, Esmaeal Rayat Dost, Samaneh Abiri*

Introduction: Anxiety refers to an unpleasant state in which humans should cope with undesirable and uncontrollable situations. All people have experienced anxiety to some extent. It significantly contributes to human health. Test anxiety can reduce academic success and efficacy of students. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate test anxiety of medical students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2018. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on medical students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2018. Inclusion criterion was studying medicine and exclusion criterion was uncooperative and unwilling students who did not desire to participate in the study. Data collection tools were Demographic Questionnaire and Sarasons’s Test Anxiety Scale. SPSS v.16 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics (mean, percentages) and analytical statistics (t-test and one-way ANOVA) were also used to analyze the data. Findings: The number of participants was 101. Mean age of the participants was 22. Average anxiety score of the participants was 12.86 (SD = 4.69). Statistical test results on the research hypothesis did not show significant differences between different gender, age group, marital status, academic year in terms of test anxiety (p>0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that average score of test anxiety of medical students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences was 12.68.

Issue 1 Volume 16 - 2025