2021 Volume 12 Issue 1

Functional Mechanisms for Maintaining Posture in Humans during Ontogenesis


Svetlana Yuryevna Zavalishina*, Vladimir Yurevich Karpov, Anastasia Yuryevna Zagorodnikova, Alexey Alexeyevich Ryazantsev, Rustam Rashitovich Alikhojin, Natalya Nikolaevna Voronova


Posture, appearing in the usual pose of a man, is of great biological importance. Features of posture are associated with the state of the neuromuscular system, psychological features, elasticity of intervertebral discs, and functional properties of the spine and pelvis. It is a complex marker, allowing to estimate overall health. When it is normal, then the condition usually is not serious. Changing posture takes place throughout life. The basis of the appearance of posture disorders can be long-term, not physiological postures when the musculoskeletal system is experiencing a strong load. Challenging posture in both planes negatively affects health. The appearance of posture disorders associated with changing the physiological bends of the spine, worsen the state of health. The curvature of the spine is called scoliosis. It is a severe progressive disease of the spine that occurs quite often and is a lateral bending and twisting of the vertebrae around a vertical axis. Changes in the spine on the background of aging often strongly violate posture. Older people gradually form rounded back and increased cervical and lumbar lordosis, which significantly violates the general health of the person and reduces the forthcoming life expectancy.

Keywords: Posture, Physiology, Ontogeny, Spine, Scoliosis


Posture is a familiar pose of a person (Aly et al., 2019; Ibrahim et al., 2019; Karpov et al., 2020; Makhov & Medvedev, 2020a; Mal et al., 2020). Normal posture is characterized by the vertical direction of trunk and head, straighten the hip joint and fully extended in the knee joints of the lower limbs, "deployed" chest, slightly retracted shoulders, tight to the chest blades and toned stomach (Glagoleva & Medvedev, 2020; Makhov & Medvedev, 2020a).

Features of posture are associated with the state of the neuromuscular system, psychological features, elasticity of intervertebral discs, and functional properties of the spine and pelvis (Krapivina & Kryazhev, 2020).

Normal posture is an important criterion for determining the state of health of the person (Medvedev, 2018e). Posture seriously determines the functioning of internal organs and body systems. It is formed against the background of growth processes and strongly depends on the functional status of the body (Makhov & Medvedev, 2018; Mal et al., 2018; Skoryatina & Medvedev, 2019). An optimal posture is an indicator of the health of the organism (Mal et al., 2018).

The basis of the appearance of posture disorders can be long-term, not physiological postures when the musculoskeletal system is experiencing a strong load (Medvedev, 2018a; Medvedev, 2018b).

Often posture is broken under the action of the displacement of the entire spine in different directions. Some of them are in early childhood, others – during training, in school, and others – in the period of employment, the fourth – in the elderly and associated with aging (Medvedev, 2018c; Medvedev, 2018d).

Objective: to examine functional aspects of the formation of posture in humans.

Materials and Methods

The material for this work was published articles in open access. The search for literary sources was conducted in the database of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU, in the science of scientific information Scopus, and the Scientific Information Base of Web Of Science. The study applied the following methods for obtaining information: induction and deduction, analysis, synthesis, and generalizations.

Results and Discussion

Posture is the location of the body in space. This construction is complex unconditioned reflexes — a motor stereotype. Motor stereotype builds the segments of the body a particular body design in varying degrees, suitable for maintaining the vertical position and movement (Medvedev et al., 2004). In a vertical position, the body is located normally, forming conditions for maximum stability, despite the strength of attraction. The dynamics of the pose to prevent falling is called skeletal balance (Oshurkova & Medvedev, 2018a).

Muscles move the parts of the body in space. But the muscles should not and cannot be in a state of prolonged tension, so, the body tends to adopt a position that does not require tension of skeletal muscles. This condition is called muscle balance in a vertical posture. If successful, the alignment should not be a burden on ligaments, since it is not capable of long-term resistance (Oshurkova & Medvedev, 2018b). In this case, the bones must be supplied in accordance with their form. The load on them must be directed strictly along the "axis of strength". Otherwise, the bone under the influence of long-term and usual load will be forced to change its shape in accordance with the loading conditions (Solovyova et al., 2020).

With the functional weakness of the musculoskeletal system in children in the conditions of an improper position of the body quickly comes the fatigue of the spine and disrupts it. Even prolonged sitting generates a number of features in the body, hindering the function of the cardiovascular system and the lungs, which play a role in the development of somatic pathology. In the process of seating, the body is experiencing a static load. This is due to the need for a long time to maintain a forced working posture. This burden increases dramatically in case of incorrect device furniture, mismatch of size growth, and other somatometric parameters. Conditions for the development of myopia with a further violation of posture (Tkacheva, 2020).

With a long working position in the sitting position, there is static stress of muscles of the neck, back, shoulder belt, congestive pelvis in the pelvic organs, violation of blood circulation, and respiration organs. With the increasing accuracy of the action and a decrease in the monotony of work, the spine rests (Tkacheva & Medvedev, 2020; Vorobyeva & Medvedev, 2020a).

The above complications can be avoided during sedentary work if the person changes the posture during work, takes breaks, performs preventive exercises that lead to a redistribution of muscular load and improvement of circulation, limits the monotony of work, and as a consequence, constrains fatigue (Vorobyeva & Medvedev, 2019).

The posture affects a number of environmental factors, often disturbing it. Disorders of the posture on scolotic type occur when the axis is shifted laterally. The offset of the posture in the sagittal plane can be with an increase in physiological curvature and with their decrease. When reinforced, a posture appears with a round-covered back. When concluding the severity of the curves, a flatted posture is registered. Complex disorders of posture are caused by changing existing bends with the development of the side curvature of the spine (Vorobyeva & Medvedev, 2020b).

In the case of lateral shifts, scoliosis arises associated with the spinal curvature in the side and its twist. The curvature form is possible with a C-shaped version and S-shaped option. There are also less pronounced compensatory curvations (Bespalov et al., 2018b).

In an aging person, there are anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical changes in the musculoskeletal apparatus (Vorobyeva & Medvedev, 2019). When aging, curvature in the cervical and lumbar portion of the spine is often amplified. With increasing kyphosis of the spine, the rounded back is gradually formed, with increased cervical and lumbar lordosis. For this reason, different types of posture can occur with age. The aging people are expressed by the bends of the spinal column in the head-rear (Vorobyeva & Medvedev, 2018).

With increasing age, the number of people with the same posture decreases sharply, and the number of cases with kyphosis posture increases (Vorobyeva & Medvedev, 2019). Often, in aging people, there is a displacement of the vertebrae or their incension in the spine post (Vorobyeva & Medvedev, 2020c).

Torsion curvature of the thorax and lumbar spine is present in more than half of practically healthy people of both genders, which is more noticeable with age. In many people, with torsion of the spine, its lateral curvature occurs (Makhov & Medvedev, 2018). Torsion and the weakening of the longissimus muscle develop on the background of dystrophic-destructive processes of the spine, enhancing the negative effect on the statics and dynamics of human aging (Vasilieva, 1996).

Relaxation of the abdominal muscles leads to an increase in all the curves of the spine. As a result, the head is displaced anteriorly. The pelvis is experiencing roll forward, changing its position regarding the spine (Kashuba, 2003).

The pelvic girdle acts as the bridge between the spine and the lower limbs and important to ensure that posture. The correct position of the pelvis depends on many factors, one of which is the harmonious development of those muscle groups that are attached to it. The first group includes the abdominal muscles and the muscles located on the back surface of the pelvis and hips. Second – the muscles are located on the anterior surface of the pelvis and hips (Bespalov et al., 2018a).

The state of the spinal bends in the number is highly dependent on the angle of the pelvis. In the case of its increase, the spine increases its bends. In the event of a decrease in the tilt of the pelvis, the bends of the spine are flattened.


Posture is an ordinary person's pose. By the state of posture, a person's health is judged. Posture can change throughout life. Posture can be impaired due to any changes in the physiological curves of the spine. Changes in posture due to lateral curvature is called scoliosis, which may lead to the pathology of the internal organs. Age-related changes in the spine form kyphosis with the appearance of a round back and increased cervical and lumbar lordosis, which significantly violates the general health of the person.

Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank their colleagues for their contribution and support to the research. They are also thankful to all the reviewers who gave their valuable inputs to the manuscript and helped in completing the paper.

Conflict of interest: None


Financial support: The study was conducted at the expense of the authors.

Ethics statement: The study was approved by the local ethics committee of the Russian State Social University on September 15, 2018 (protocol №11).


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