2018 Volume 9 Issue 2 Special Issue
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Assessment of Role of Blood Transfusion in Management of Anemia in Hospitalized Patients, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore, India

Negar Tarahhomi, Binai K Sankar, Deepti S. P

Objective:  The study was performed to analyses the role of blood transfusion in management of anemia, and to analyses the pattern of medications prescribed along with blood transfusion. Methodology: A total of 60 inpatients were included in this study. Prescriptions and treatment chart of inpatients and lab data were reviewed prospective observational for evaluation of role of blood transfusion in management of anemia. The inpatient case sheets and prescriptions and lab data will be screened for analysis of prescriptions pattern of supplement to patient on blood transfusion and frequency of blood transfusion on daily basis. All the prescribed supplement along with other medications and lab data and blood transfusion notes and other relevant information will be noted in a customized data collection form to find out the assessment of role of blood transfusion in management anemia. The prescription and blood transfusion data will be assessed whether it is according to hospital blood bank policy and in case of violation the reason for it will be noted down.  Result: Out of 60 patients, Majority of the patients belonged to the age group between 20-30 years (26.67%), while the least belonged to the age group of 71-80 (5%). Majority of the patient i.e. (51.66%) had anemia caused due to other diseases and the minority cause of anemia was due to Thrombocytopenia i.e. patient (3.33%).  From 60 patients, 41 (68.33%) patients receive treatment only with transfusion and 19 (31.66%) patients receive medication along with transfusion. Out of 19 patients who received medication, 14 patient received Ferrous Ascorbate with Folic Acid. Most of the patients included (53.33%) in the study received two transfusions, while (21.67%) received more than two transfusions and (25%) received only one-pint transfusion.  One (1.66%) of the patients was observed with Transfusion related ADR. Conclusion:  Majority of the patients belonged to the age group between 20-30 years. Patients with anemia due infestation of other diseases were compared to those other types of anemia. 68.33% of the patients received treatment only with transfusion. Orofer XT was the most commonly prescribed drug. Most of the patients included (53.33%) in the study received two transfusions. Only one patient developed adverse reaction due to transfusion.

Issue 1 Volume 16 - 2025