2023 Volume 14 Issue 1
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Applications of Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Computational Medicine

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Computational medicine has emerged due to the advances in medical technology in parallel with big data and artificial intelligence. A new way of treating complex diseases is evolving called ‘Precision Medicine’ fueled by big data extracting meaningful information from individual variability. At the forefront is biomedical research aiming to promote the area of precision medicine. Though traditional machine learning methods have built successful models for cancer diagnosis to sars-cov2 pulmonary infection, the advent of modern deep learning methods has had phenomenal growth in genomics, electronic health records, and drug development. The challenges in Deep learning applications in medicine include lack of data, privacy, heterogeneity of data, and interpretability. Analysis and discussion on these problems provide a reference to improve the application of deep learning in medical health.

How to cite this article
Adiga R, Biswas T, Shyam P. Applications of Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Computational Medicine. J Biochem Technol. 2023;14(1):1-6. https://doi.org/10.51847/iW1DfVoXVw
Adiga, R., Biswas, T., & Shyam, P. (2023). Applications of Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Computational Medicine. Journal of Biochemical Technology, 14(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.51847/iW1DfVoXVw
Issue 1 Volume 16 - 2025