2012 Volume 3 Issue 4
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A review on production of serine alkaline protease by Bacillus spp

In recent times, protease has gained considerable importance in the world market. Proteases are groups of proteins included in the subclass hydrolases, within the main class enzymes. Serine alkaline proteases (SAP) are one of the most important groups of industrial enzymes. They account for approximately 35% of the total microbial enzyme sales. Serine protease is produced by various types of fermentation techniques using microorganism. Among the proteases, bacterial proteases are more significant than animal and fungal proteases. Bacillus is the most invigorated species producing extracellular proteases among many bacterial species that have found tremendous application in pharmaceutical, leather, laundry and food processing industry. Mathematical modeling of fermentation process helps understand the relationship between protease production and bacterial growth to provide quantitative information on the behavior of the system. Therefore, high level production of protease in industrial scale should be made feasible. The focus of the present review is to provide an updated overview of fermentative production and the factors that influence production, growth kinetics and downstream processing of serine alkaline protease.

Issue 1 Volume 16 - 2025