2018 Volume 9 Issue 2 Special Issue
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Comparison Study of Therapeutic Efficacy and Safety of Aceclofenac and Tramadol in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis Patients, Bangalore, India

Roya Khademi Pour, Ritty Sara Cherian

Objectives: To compare efficacy of Aceclofenac and Tramadol in the treatment of osteoarthritis patients and to evaluate safety of Aceclofenac and Tramadol in the treatment of osteoarthritis patients. Methodology:  A hospital based prospective study to determine efficacy and safety of Aceclofenac and tramadol among osteoarthritis patients. Demographic details (Name, age and sex) of patient were collected. Admission, discharge date, diagnosis of the patient and drug data (Brand and generic name) of antihypertensive drugs (tramadol, Aceclofenac) prescribed, dose frequency, route of administration, dose were recorded. The osteoarthritis pain questionnaire was arranged to assess the state of patients with osteoarthritis, including stiffness, pain and physical functioning of the joints. The mean response of all included patients before and after receiving tramadol and Aceclofenac has been documented. Probability values (p value) less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Total 150 patients who fulfilled study criteria were included in the study. Of total patients 54 (36%) and 96 (64%) patients were male and female respectively. Most of the male patients 24 (16%) and female patients 42 (28%) were in the age group of 70-79 yean. Determination of body mass index distribution among patients showed majority of patient 73 (48.67%) at obese nutritional status followed by 51 (34%) were at pre-obese nutritional and 26(17.33%) were at normal weight status. Mean ± SD of collected response to pain questionnaire before administration of medications (tramadol and aceclofenac), at the day of admission was measured to be 113.62 ±26.2. the mean SD ± of collected response to pain questionnaire after receiving tramadol was found to be 52.63±22.42 and the mean ±SD of same inquiry from was measured to be 82.25±21.77. out of total, fifty-one patients complained adverse drug reactions. In personal study we found, tramadol only contributed in only ninth number of all reported adverse effects including nausea, vomiting and fatigue, whereas aceclofenac was found to be reason for forty-two number of adverse drug containing epigastric pain, nausea, fatigue and tachycardia. Conclusion:  in current study, we collected tramadol was more effective and safer than aceclofenac with P value: 0.0062 (probability value less than 0.05 were considered significant which showed significant result in pain-reliving effect.

Issue 1 Volume 16 - 2025